Wednesday, October 10, 2018

ore-sama 俺様

In Japanese, ore-sama 俺様 is the over-the-top combination of the first person pronoun, ore, and the reverent honorific suffix sama. Basically, ore-sama means the same thing as ore, "I," "me," in English, except it's ridiculously pompous and people would only use it in real life as a joke.

Which means it's mostly a trope used in manga and anime. (just like kisama 貴様.)

俺様に服従せよ。 え・・・
Manga: School Rumble, スクールランブル (Chapter 66, The Razor's Edge)
  • ore-sama ni
    fukujuu se yo.

    Submit to me.
    • I command thee to submit to THE GREAT ME.
  • e...

Characters use ore-sama to imply they're extremely important. It's used by the type of character that would say "I'm the strongest" or "the smartest" or "the bestest" or stuff like that.
やかましいっ!!! オレ様が、なんであんな低レベルな奴らと友達になんなきゃいけねーんだよっ!!?
Manga: Zatch Bell!, Konjiki no Gash!! 金色のガッシュ!! (Chapter 1, 清麿、正義の味方)
  • yakamashii'!!!
    [You're] noisy!!!
    [Stop annoying me!!!]
  • ore-sama ga, nande
    anna tei-reberu na
    yatsura to tomodachi ni

    Why do I have to become friends with low-level guys like those!!?
    • tomodachi ni naru
      To become friends.

That doesn't mean it's true, though, it just means that's what they think about themselves.

こっ この オレさまがたいしたことないだと・・・・・・!!!! いまの攻撃でわかった
Manga: Dragon Ball, ドラゴンボール (Chapter 225, ナッパ ても足も出ず)
  • ko' kono ore-sama ga
    taishita koto
    nai dato......!!!!

    こっ このオレさまがたいしたことないだと・・・・・・!!!!
    Th-- this me isn't [a big deal], [you] say......!!!!
  • sou da
    [That's right.]
  • ima no kougeki de

    いまの攻撃で わかった
    With [that] attack [just] now [I] realized.
    (Goku figured Nappa isn't a big deal from how weak his attack was.)
Honorific Suffixes

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